I am Izzy Dasha my full name is Izabell but I hate it. call me that and I'll smack you down!!!!! I like cheese and cookies ice cream and cafaniated bevagages। I gots 2 bro's and una sis(that means one sister) I am a part of a quadruplet set. We're all adoupted. Our names our Lucas, Payton, Capella (ella) and ME! My fave color is purple and green! My bra is orange. I am 13. I am NOT single, I have guy in mind, Noah! And everyone thinks I'm mentaly insane and cuz I am. I gots a dog his name is like Dewy!! I hate cheerleaders! Cuz they like suck~Ya know? I play drums, vioin, and flute. And I wish to be famous, Cuz I know Im gifted!
Lots of crazy luv,
~Izzy Louise Dasha!~