Ok in an earlier post i said one of my fave shows isThe Secret Saturdays And pretty soon (ok a lot a soon) The show will come back for season 3!!! I cannot wait!!! The first episode is called Kur and if u watch the show (which u should!) Zak is. How do i know i have a online buddy who has JAY STEAPHENS' (the show's creator) e-mail so she asked him and he cleared it all up that Zak is Kur!! So will Zak go evil or use his powers for good?? I dont know Watch the 3ed season to find out coming in November 09!! I CANNOT WAIT!! And dont forget obout the secret saturdays video game called "The Secret Saturdays:Beasts of the 5th sun" In stores NOW! In this pic the chick with the shord is my fave her name is Drew!
Hey welcome to our site where Izzy Ella Lucas Payton,Cullen,and Alyssa talk about our everyday lives cuz were interesting so scroll up and down to view our posts cuz we got A LOT of cool pics and posts!! Enjoy ~Izzy and Ella