
Thursday, April 22, 2010

To Tay

Hey Tay :)
In my opinion there's two types of drama queens
Type One:
You now the type of girl who always gets what she wants? who always has all the gossip. With one whisper in a ear, she'll break you. We all have met that girl. But what really makes her a drama queen is her Crave off drama . She loves to make you cry. she'll start drama just to watch two bff's fight. She watches it like a TV show. It makes her feel like she has power and she feels better about herself. try to ignore her and not feed her drama and dont get upset. Thats what she wants
But this one is a little less obvious. Wha about the friedn who likes to play "messanger" when your in a fight. the one who likes to watch the drama. When your fighting with her, she keeps the drama going for the fun of it. Need a breath of fresh air? skip the messanger and talk to your friend and leve her out it.
Type two:
I think I might fall into this type. This girl is sensitive and Imaginative she's actually pretty fun to be with. she is romantic and fun loving. she really great friend
Did I help? Izzy Usually awnsers these.
Luv me,

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